Friday, June 27, 2014

Four Essentials Needed for a City

1. Geographical Height
2. A Defensive Wall
3. Stored Grain and Food
4. Water

As we explored we noted how each city provided for these four essentials. It is a difficult task to provide all four given the need for water and geographical height. Storing water in large cisterns and allowing for an efficient way to gather and collect water is not an easy task. In some instances water was stored at a lower base and gathered each day. Height and city walls allowed for strong protection from attack.

An excellent example of this is Masada. Masada is located at the top of an isolated rock cliff at the western end of the Judean Desert overlooking the Dead SeaOn the east side, the rock falls in a sheer drop of about 450 meters to the Dead Sea and on the western edge it stands about 100 meters above the surrounding terrain. The natural approaches to the cliff top are very difficult.  Masada was built by Herod the Great, King of Judaea, who reigned between 37 BCE and 4 CE. It is an example of a sophisticated water system, collecting run-off water from a single day's rain to sustain life for a thousand people over a period of two to three years. Masada is a natural fortress that was fortified by the Hasmoneans, probably by the High Priest Alexander Jannaeus (103-76BCE). 

Model of Masada

City Walls and Height of Masada

Masada Wall


More information on Masada can be found at here.

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