Monday, June 30, 2014

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee: a freshwater lake in the district of Galilee, given various names throughout history: “Sea of Chinnereth” (or “Chinneroth”), from the Hebrew word for a harplike instrument (Num. 34:11; Josh. 12:3; 13:27); “Sea of Tiberias” (John 6:1; 21:1); “Lake of Gennesaret” (Luke 5:1); and “waters of Gennesaret” (1 Macc. 11:67). Elsewhere, it is referred to simply as “the lake” (Luke 5:2; 8:22–33) or “the sea” (John 6:16–25). It appears as the “Sea of Galilee” in Matt. 4:18; 15:29; Mark 1:16; 7:31.*

 Biblical accounts of the Sea of Galilee 
  • Jesus is followed by a large crowd Mt 12:15–21, Mk 3:7–12, Lk 6:17–19
  • Jesus warns his disciples against wrong teaching Mt 16:5–12, Mk 8:13–21
  • Jesus reconciles with Peter Jn 21:15–23
  • Jesus walks on water Mt 14:24–33, Mk 6:47–52, Jn 6:16–21
  • Jesus heals many on a mountain in Galilee Mt 15:29–31
  • Jesus tells the parable of the soils Mt 13:3–9, Mk 4:2–9, Lk 8:4–8
  • Jesus calms the storm Mt 8:23–27, Mk 4:35–41, Lk 8:22–25
  • Jesus feeds the 4000 Mt 15:32–38, Mk 8:1–9
  • Jesus provides a miraculous catch of fish (John) Jn 21:1–14
  • Jesus teaches the crowd with parables Mt 13:24–35, Mk 4:26–34, Lk 13:18–21
  • Jesus calls four fishermen Mt 4:18–22, Mk 1:16–20, Lk 5:10–11
  • Jesus provides a miraculous catch of fish (Luke) Lk 5:4–9
  • Jesus heals a deaf man in the Decapolis Mk 7:31–37
  • Jesus teaches a crowd from a boat Mt 13:1–2, Mk 4:1, Lk 5:1–3

View of the Sea of Galilee from Tabgha

View of Tiberias from the Sea of Galilee

Our Tour Group from Acadia University

*Milne, Mary K. “Galilee, Sea Of.” Edited by Mark Allan Powell. The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (Revised and Updated). New York: HarperCollins, 2011.

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