Monday, June 30, 2014


Gethsemane, the site where Jesus prayed in lonely anguish just before his public betrayal and subsequent arrest (Matt. 26:36, Mark 14:32). Its precise location is not known. Matthew and Mark refer to a “place” called Gethsemane and imply it was near the Mount of Olives.
Mount of Olives, a high hill to the east of Jerusalem. It is a relatively good area for growing olives in the poor land surrounding Jerusalem. An area of the mount was appropriately called Gethsemane, possibly a garden area where the fruit of the mount was processed (John 18:1). Jesus is said to have come here often (Luke 22:39), and it was here that he gathered his disciples to pray on the night he was arrested (Matt. 26:36; Mark 14:32). The mile-long Mount of Olives dominates Jerusalem, rising 230 feet above the Temple Mount. *

Biblical Examples:
Gethsemane — A garden east of Jerusalem where Jesus was betrayed.
  • Jesus prays in Gethsemane Mt 26:36–46, Mk 14:32–42, Lk 22:39–46, Jn 18:1
  • Jesus is arrested in Gethsemane Mt 26:47–56, Mk 14:43–52, Lk 22:47–53, Jn 18:2–12
 Mount of Olives — A mountain range east of Jerusalem where the Gethsemane was located.
  • Jesus talks about his return and the end Mt 24:3–25:46, Mk 13:3–37, Lk 21:7–36
  • Jesus speaks with his disciples and prays on the way to the Mount of Olives Mt 26:30–35, Mk 14:26–31, Lk 22:39, Jn 15:1–17:26
  • Jesus ascends into heaven Mk 16:19–20, Lk 24:44–52, Ac 1:4–11
  • Jesus sends disciples to get a donkey Mt 21:1–5, Mk 11:1–3, Lk 19:29–31
  • David flees Jerusalem 2 Sa 15:13–37
  • Ziba offers gifts to David 2 Sa 16:1–4
  • The disciples find a donkey and bring it to Jesus Mt 21:6, Mk 11:4–6, Lk 19:32–34

*Powell, Mark Allan, ed. “Gethsemane.” The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (Revised and Updated). New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
*Schein, Bruce E. “Olives, Mount Of.” Edited by Mark Allan Powell. The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (Revised and Updated). New York: HarperCollins, 2011.

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